Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lawnchair Theater presents Disney Pixar's "Up" this Saturday, Sept. 25

MOVIE: "UP" (Rated PG, 1 hr, 36 min)
MOVIE TIME: 7:30pm

Pack up the kiddies and gramma, it's time for a family film that everyone will enjoy. "UP" is a triumph of storytelling. Minutes into the movie, I had tears running down my face. (But how can this be? It's a cartoon?)

"UP" is one of the highest rated movies on Rotten Tomatoes with a 98% rating. I won't gush on about it, because you've probably already seen it. You may even own the DVD. BUT...have you seen it outdoors on a 12' x 9' screen in surround sound on a September night in Minnesota?

As many of you know, one of the authors of this gem is Pete Docter, a young man from Bloomington, MN. His parents, Rita and Dave, still live there. (I actually invited them to join us for an outdoor showing of their son's masterpiece! Wouldn't that be awesome if they could join us?)

Anyhoo, we don't know how many more Saturdays we're going to be able to enjoy a movie outdoors, but this Saturday looks like a good one (daytime highs near 68!). So grab yourself a warm sweater and a thermos of hot cocoa and join us for a lovely movie. We hope to see you soon! Pam & Gary

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