Monday, June 16, 2008

Shows you won't want to miss--mark your calendar now!

July 5-"Once"  Eight minutes into our first attempt to air this fine film (June 14), we got rained out AND lost power.  Hopefully, the second time will be a charm.  If you're having a "stay-cation" 4th of July holiday, please join us.  We'll have our own small "Class C" fireworks display after the movie.  Oh...and don't forget bug spray.  Our moist spring has made this a more typical summer, so there are a few of those nasty guys around (even though we fog before our events).

July 19-Stories of Contemporary India with Filmmaker Simone Ahuja. Gary, Pam and our guests will celebrate the last day of Gary's 40's with Indian cuisine and a special guest appearance by talented TV Host Ms. Ahuja.  She talk about and share a couple of her magazine-style TV shows, "Indique", including one show that takes us behind the scenes at the making of a Bollywood movie.  Learn more about Ms. Ahuja and her work here.

July 26-"Sweet Land" with a Q & A with Director Ali Selim, Producer Tom Lieberman and members of the film's cast and crew. We have high hopes for this being a very memorable evening--much like the night we had last summer with Tim Russell and Sue Scott from A Prairie Home Companion.  Right now, we're trying to track down as many cast members and crew as we can to make this event a real "family reunion" for fans of this gorgeous movie.

August 2-"Green Green Water" with documentarian & TV reporter, Dawn Mikkelson.  Ms. Mikkelson is an extremely talented and accomplished local filmmaker who turns her lens on social injustice--this time, the native Cree Nation of Manitoba who've seen their homeland flooded and people displaced in the name of cheaper hydroelectric power for states like Minnesota.  A serious subject to be sure, but handled deftly and with great sensitivity by Ms. Mikkelson.  On August 2, you'll get to meet Dawn, hear about the making of her film and find out her latest project.