Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's almost time for 2009! Do you have any movie requests?

Well, it's April in Minnesota and you know what that means.  It's going to snow this weekend! But just as importantly, it's almost time for another fun season of Pam & Gary's Lawnchair Theater.  

So far, we've got one VERY big surprise lined up--a TOP SECRET screening of a brand new movie created by a brilliant local actor/writer/director.  (More on that later.)  And we're also considering a Minnesota short film festival (sound intriguing?).  Plus, we're "in negotiations" with last year's "Indique" host, Simone Ahuja, to help us pick a good Bollywood classic for India Night, part 2.  And, of course, it would make our year to have St. Paul Pioneer Press critic Chris Hewitt return and lead another discussion group on a movie of his choice.

But right now, we're looking for your feedback.  Got any movies you'd like to see on our big outdoor screen? Or maybe you know a movie star who would like to do a Q & A for one of their films in our back yard.  Let us know by clicking on the word "Comments" directly below this entry. We may not be able to screen every suggestion, but we'd love to hear your ideas.  We're always looking for new and interesting ways to use our unique venue.

Thanks for stopping by Pam & Gary's Lawnchair Theater.  As long as you're here, why not leave a comment?  See you soon!