Sunday, September 21, 2008

Movie Critic Chris Hewitt leads the discussion at Lawnchair Theater

Saturday night, Sept. 20, Pam and I were pleased to welcome back Chris Hewitt for his second straight year as our special guest for Lawnchair Theater. Chris introduced the film "Children of Men" and then lead us in a discussion about the movie afterwards.

It was an intense, intriguing, decidedly dark film. But it was also a movie of great texture and depth. Thanks to Chris' insights and some of the revelations of our over two dozen guests, there was plenty to talk about.

Chris tells us he watches an average of seven movies a week for his job, so we feel particularly grateful he was willing to sit through one he's already seen to enhance the viewing experience for us.

There are no scheduled showings for the rest of September, but we hope to try and squeeze in one (or two) more before the weather turns on us.

Thanks to all who have attended this year and to all our special guests who made Lawnchair Theater to memorable this year.